Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho

Interview Raul Seixas for “Antecipacion” magazine (Argentina) 1974

Interview given by Raul Seixas to journalist Miguel Solano of Argentine magazine “Antecipacion”, on January 15, 1974, during a climb to Pedra de Gávea.

Main Theme: the Alternative Society

What is it: “The reality of the present moment lived in the present moment. What many don’t understand is that they keep living with completely outdates values”.

What are its basic values, or the “values of the present”:

“Being happy doing what one desires to do”.

“Knowledge”. “The comprehension of All”.

Who belongs in it: “Anyone who does what he wants”.

What is the “City of Stars”: “A place where people live as they want, in their own Law, doing whatever they want”.

Who can live there: “Those who no longer live drinking water from the past, who respect themselves, doing only what they want. Each one is their own leader.”


Language: Portuguese Publication Date: 1974

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