Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho

The Valkyries

The Valkyries, written as a third-person narrative describing how Paulo and his wife embark on a 40-day journey through the Mojave Desert, is a powerful story of one man’s battle with self-doubt and fear. The searing and unforgettable narrative in The Valkyries asks the questions most central to all literature – and all of humanity’s quest for understanding. Why is it that we destroy the things we love most? And how can we learn to let go of the past and believe in the future?


Original Language: Portuguese
Original Title: As Valkírias
First publication year: 1992
Published in 26 languages: Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish and Swedish.
See more of The Valkyries in the archive

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