Exhibition title: Geneva Welcome Center CAGI
Exhibition at the Centre Accueil Genève International (Geneva Welcome Center), in cooperation with the Permanent UN Mission of Brasil and Galerie Espace L in Geneva. Fifteen of Christina’s works, buried and recuperated at various locations in Geneva, were on exhibition.
In her speech, Christina mentioned “Nature plays an important role in my work, I am associated to her, and she leaves her unpredictable trace on each my works. My works are in direct contact with the earth, stones, water and air and I never know what I will find when I dig into the soil to recuperate a canvas. It depends on the area and the moment I left my work there. It is always a big surprise and the discovery is always a moment of intense emotion. Nature transforms, with an invisible hand, my initial project. The 15 works on display here have been in contact with Geneva soil at various locations”.