Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho

The Elephant doodle 1978

Text and doodle by Paulo during a Polydor meeting on 13 March 1978.

(approximative translation)
The Elephant
Contained in his astral quadrant
wants to expand into his magical strength to the elephants, gentlemen,
They are the symbol of force itself!
Remember the elephants, gentlemen,
The are the symbol of memory!
Join the elephants, gentlemen,
The living example of the strong herd
Walking through life and accepting death
Which, embracing death, embraces it as a ritual,
They are the ultimate mystery to the hunters
They are the highest ambition of the predators
And with superior vision
Resist constant attempts at extermination
And survive without any other defence beyond wisdom:
Once more hiding their dead in their graveyard
and facing life without their precious front teeth


Publication Date: 1978

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